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  • Logistics - Hands On

CCU Lifting Unit - Mobilization

Updated: Oct 22, 2020

Admittedly all those who work in the oil and gas sector in functions like Logistics, QaQc, Hse are mostly familiar with offshore mobilization and demobilization. It is easy for colleagues from within other function to assume this is just delivering equipment's to the dock or to a client.

The personnel's involved in this function cannot emphasis more the effort inserted to transporting the materials and delivering this to the client seamlessly without abnormally.

Focusing on CCU, these are cargo carrying units used to transport and transfer equipment to and from offshore locations , all personnel currently handling this role should note the below .

All offshore CCU must conform to the BS EN12079 or DNV 27-1 Standard this is current industry standard, If you work with clients like Total, Exonn, Shell, Snepco this is a Must for compliance.

All offshore containers must have the following information clearly marked

- Name of Company it belongs to. (Your company name)

- Id or Serial number

- Safe Work Load

- Tare Weight

Prior to Mobilization to a client site

  1. Check that the unit is inspected by a certified third party inspection company . You may want to use any inspection company but if you work in a logistics function I suggest you check with the clients you work for in other to pick one inspection company acceptable to all your clients .

  2. Ensure the certificate issued by the company corresponds with the data plate on the body of the unit

  3. Check that all split pins and shackles are placed correctly. Pins usually fall off or are removed, shackles also are a target of small theft hence its pertinent to double check before this leaves your base.

  4. Do a physical check of the sling to ensure it has no defect and not twisted.

  5. Ensure Colour code is in date.

  6. Ensure the fork pocket is free of any foreign body that may cause a drop object at the dock.

Note: Leave your questions or contributions in the comment section or email us on

1 Comment

Oct 22, 2020

I am new to my role and had issues with delivering to a client. This is very incite-full

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